Trunks is a character who first appeared in the Dragon Ball manga created by Akira Toriyama, more popularly followed by Dragon Ball Z. Trunks is introduced to be a half-Saiyan boy from the future, his father is Vegeta,the prince of the extinct race of fictional aliens called the Saiyans, and his mother is Bulma,the heiress of a massive company called Capsule Corporation. "Mirai" is the Japanese kanji for 'future'. Trunks' seiyū is provided by Takeshi Kusao. In the English language dub, he is voiced by Eric Vale. In the Ocean Group dub, Alistair Abell voiced him.
In Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout, he is voiced by Skip Stellrecht.
This is the first Trunks that the readers and/or viewers ever see in the Dragon Ball manga and the Dragon Ball Z anime. Trained by Future Gohan in an alternate time line, Trunks travels through time to seek help from Goku to prevent the Androids; No. 17 and No. 18 from ravaging Earth. Trunks is a determined and loyal warrior. His name is a play on "trunks", a type of male clothing.
Trunks appears tall and slender although still muscular. He favors his maternal side by having light blue eyes and light purple hair, however his face is almost identical to his father's. From the time he first appears to the time he enters the Room of Spirit and Time, and after the Cell Games, his hair is cut short in bowlcut style. From the time he exits to the end of the Cell Games, his hair is long. His hair grows unlike full blooded Saiyan hair.
Early on, Trunks wears a black sleeveless shirt and black pants along with his blue Capsule Corporation jacket and yellow boots, as well as a sword in the sash worn round his back. After he exits the Room of Spirit and Time, he starts to wear attire similar to his father's, white gloves, white boots with tan tips, a skin-tight blue jumpsuit, and Saiyan battle armor, which was given to him by his mother Bulma (present time line). Trunks could only transform up to Super Saiyan before entering the Room of Spirit and Time. But afterwards, his training gave him the ability to reach further levels of Super Saiyan i.e. Ultimate super saiyan which are located between Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan 2. While powering up to full strengh, Trunks muscles expanded and became too heavy and bulky to work effectivly. Because of this, Trunks was unable to fight Cell without slow awkward movements.(Cell even acknowledged the fact that he could be stronger than him in this form, although he demonstrated a similar transformation to Trunks' implying otherwise). After the shocking truth about his new powers were revealed, and the fact he couldn't see them he admited defeat. While he was ready to allow Cell to strike him down, Cell curiosity on how he and Vegeta became so strong so fast saved him. Cell wished to test the his new form and asked Trunks to reveal their secret. Trunks told Cell what he wished to know, and Cell spared him after relaying a message that he will give him and the Z warriors the time they need. After being spared, Trunks no longer made the mistake of powering up to such a bulky awkward form again.
Trunks' personality is distinguishable from the other characters because he originally was seen to be cautious and calculating. He often thinks through things and plans, advising against random action because of the horrific events in his own time line. (although he does recklessly blow up most of Dr. Gero's Lab in a fit of emotion to stop more Androids from being activated.) Originally, this is shown when he told Kuririn to take the blueprints of the androids first before destroying Dr. Gero's laboratory and also in his reluctance to take action unless Goku is present. As the series continues, Trunks becomes more confident and less cautious, but rarely loses his rational thinking, he is also seen learning from his mistakes and poor judgment, such as his Mistake in Fully powering up the Ascended Super Saiyan Form, where his own powered up muscles was his weakness (see Appearance section). Despite Vegeta's arrogance and pride, Trunks still cares for his father and even though it was due to Vegeta's pride that he let Cell absorb #18 and attain his perfect form, he still goes to desperate measures to distract Cell so Kuririn can take Vegeta to safety.
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